Tuesday 8 March 2016

It has been almost 2 year. I cannot say I have been awesome but life has generally been well. 
I have been working. 
First on a Children's cartoon called "Hairy Legs". Check it out! I really loved that animation and the process of bringing it to life onscreen was undoubtedly fun. The animating team was an amazing bunch of people, they really love being fun. I would say, it wasn't one of the best paying job (monetarily), but it could easily be one of the most fun working environment I've experienced. As for the cartoon, you probably can find them on youtube or kisscartoon. :) 
Next up, 1 season of "Hairy Legs" was completed, and so did our contract. Thereafter, I went to a design firm where I picked up graphic designing for the first time.


The learning was fun to be honest, but the pressing timelines against my speed of learning was a really steep curve. It has been an absolutely arduous journey for me. 

Anyway, just updating on some Print Media designs first!

This is an example of a multipaged brochure of a shipping company.
The company was surprisingly not as rigid as I thought they would be, choosing to go for a more playful look for their brochure. This was one of my earliest Print Media project and I had great fun with it.

Here, a construction and renovation company is looking to get a flyer design done.
It took a really long time for a simple 2 sided (different language per side) flyer. Yes, it sounded like an easy job to me at first too! But I soon realise not all clients are agreeable to some designs even though they have no idea about graphic designs themselves. They keep coming back with changes and the project really dragged out. This was a not-so-fun project but still a great learning experience.

Next, this is a project I thought was a pity that the client did not pick my design to go with their product (which mean I didn't succeed in pitching for my company. Yikes.). They wanted a different look from the usual pesticides in the market for their new pesticide product.
So I came up with 2 designs and I went down with another colleague to their office and tried selling the design. I went with Retro and Nouveau. Sketching the little insects (esp the cockroaches) really gave me shivers, but oh well, I like the way the design turned out. :)
Like I said it was a pity, yes, but it was still a pretty good effort in my own defence.

Alright, just these for now. Print Media designs for this post.
Do look forward to more posts. It will be some dramatically different stuff. 

And most are the reasons for the steep learning curve. Haha (cry).

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